About me

I love programming and technology in general. I also love modding, if it is possible to mod something I use, I will. Discord, Youtube, Android, Minecraft, Celeste, practically anything :)

I love FOSS, and try to use it as much as I can. I daily drive Arch Linux, I use Mozilla Firefox & Thunderbird, and while Android isn't fully FOSS, it's at least better in that aspect than iOS is :)

While I love programming, I don't have the creative capactity, executive function, or just general motivation to actually finish any projects. Due to this, I much prefer contributing to existing FOSS projects, such as Aliucord, Vencord, Polyfrost, and Keyoxide

I also selfhost a ton of assorted projects, such as Atuin, Nextcloud, Forgejo, SearXNG, VaultWarden, Headscale, and more! Most are invite-only, but feel free to ask me for access (more information on the Myriation page) :)


Please check my Keyoxide profile for the most up-to-date profile information. If you want to message me, please use matrix, as I don't regularly check most of the other profiles. I will respond to emails (with PGP if possible, of course) and fedi DMs, but I am unlikley to respond to Telegram, IRC, or XMPP messages.


*None are finished, and no guarantees they ever will be, I just wanted to add this section for the sake of listing projects
Name Description
ASPM The Ariadne Signature Profile Manager, a rust project implementing the Ariadne Signature Profile specification
XAPU-rs The XMPP Ariadne Proof Utility (rust edition), a command line program to help with storing and fetching ariadne proofs on an XMPP account